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Access control

Volt Protocol has a role based access control, where each role grants a specific permission over a specific part of the protocol. The roles are assigned to three categories: Major, Admin and Minor. They are documented in TribeRoles.

Major roles are the most powerful across the protocol, Admin have management capability over critical functionality and Minor are operational roles.

Major roles

There are 6 major roles:

  • GOVERNOR: Ultimate control over the Volt Protocol. Able to create new roles and access all protocol functionality.
  • GUARDIAN: Emergency safety role that is used to protect the protocol. Able to pause contracts and veto malicious proposals. Currently only the PCV Guardian smart contract has this role.
  • PCV_CONTROLLER: Allows the movement of PCV of any size from any contract to any address.
  • MINTER: Can mint Volt. Currently, not granted to any address.
  • PCV_GUARD: Can move PCV from all yield venues whitelisted in the PCV Guardian to the multisig. This functionality is only for use in maintenance operations or emergency situations.
  • PCV_GUARD_ADMIN: The PCVGuardAdmin contract gets the PCV_GUARD_ADMIN role, this allows both GOVERNOR and GUARDIAN to be able to call into the contract to revoke PCV_GUARD roles, when necessary.

How they work

Role creation is limited to the GOVERNOR role. Created roles are stored in the storage of Core.sol, and each created role is assigned an admin over that role.

The admin of a role is then able to grant and revoke that role from individual addresses. The API for creating, granting and revoking roles looks like:

core.createRole(keccak256("DUMMY_ROLE"), keccak256("GOVERN_ROLE"));
core.grantRole(keccak256("DUMMY_ROLE"), dummyAddress);
core.revokeRole(keccak256("DUMMY_ROLE"), dummyAddress);

This pattern is implemented using the AccessControlEnumerable.sol contract pattern from OpenZeppelin.